
The primary purpose of the Career and Technical Education Committee will be to provide an institutional hub and centralizing space for all matters CTE-related. It will serve to enhance institutional efforts by supporting the development and delivery of successful Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that meaningfully engage students and connect them to their education and employment goals.


The Career Technical Education Committee (CTEC) will support College of Marin’s commitment to providing equitable opportunities and fostering success for all members of our diverse community by supporting information gathering and sharing, communication, coordination, and cohesion around college-wide efforts, challenges, and other matters related to CTE programs and funding including but not limited to state and regional efforts and priorities, marketing, program development, grants and categorical allocations, countywide partnerships, and employer engagement.


  • Build awareness of career education programs, activities, initiatives, opportunities, and challenges that support vital career education programs and academic and economic success and mobility for students
  • Provide updates on collegewide, local, regional, state, and federal CTE matters
  • Convene CTE faculty to identify growth and funding opportunities that are in alignment with the College’s mission, and student needs, as well as local regional labor market needs and demands
  • Develop, review, and communicate timeline, guides, forms, and recommendations for the Strong Workforce Allocation Cycle (SWAC)
  • Make recommendations to PRAC for resource allocation and funding while working collaboratively with Union District Workload Committee (UDWC) on any grant proposal involving faculty workload
  • At least annually, examine college, local, regional, and statewide data and indicators with attention to CTE performance, CTE data, and student outcomes, including a review of Strong Workforce data, metrics, and impact assessment


The committee consists of collegewide career education faculty, administrators, and staff who engage regularly with matters related to Career Education programs, initiatives, funding, and countywide employer and workforce development efforts. While an unlimited number of faculty, students, administrators, and classified staff are encouraged to participate, programs, disciplines, and areas with more than one representative may have only one official voting member.

Strong Workforce Application for Funding Request

Download the 2024 Strong Workforce application form (PDF) here.

Voting Committee Member Composition

  • 4 faculty appointed by the Academic Senate preferably reflecting representation among the following areas: Counseling, ESL, Career Technical Education faculty (e.g., Business, Nursing, Education, Automotive, Theatre Tech). There should be only one person from each area.
  • 2 classified professionals appointed by the Classified Professional Liaison Committee (CPLC). There should be only one person from each area.
  • 2 students appointed by ASCOM
  • 2 administrators appointed by the Superintendent/President
  • Non-voting Resources (if not already appointed)
    • Coordinator(s) responsible for BSI, SSSP, Student Equity and HIS planning
    • School & Community Partnerships, Outreach, EOPS, Student Accessibility Services
    • Research and Planning representative
    • IT and/or Maintenance and Operations representative
    • The chair or co-chairs will be elected from the group

Additional CTEC Working Group for the Strong Workforce Allocation Cycle (SWAC):

The CTE Committee members will form an elected/volunteer workgroup from CTEC members to carry out the regular processes related to Perkins/SWP RFPs:

  • review RFPs
  • disseminate,
  • create rubrics, and
  • review applications and make determinations.

All recommendations from this working group will go back to the main CTE Committee for final approval. Programs, disciplines, and committee members are encouraged to recuse when reviewing proposals for which there may be a conflict of interest.



  • Wende Bohlke, Faculty, Program Coordinator, Registered Dental Assisting
  • Ron Palmer, Faculty, Automotive
  • Byron Ramey, Faculty, Counselor, Counseling Department
  • Nancy Willet, Faculty, Business Information Systems
  • Alina Varona, Dean of Career Education and Workforce Development (Committee Co-Chair)
  • Katheryn Horton, Director of Workforce Programs  (Committee Co-Chair)
  • Guin Wittingham
  • Melanie Palomino, Admin Assistant, Learning Resources Center
  • Kathleen Antokhin, Program Coordinator, Workforce Projects
  • Julian Solis, Director of School and Community Partnerships
  • Heather Rahman, Program Coordinator, Career Education